During my own childhood, gaudy plaster versions of the Kewpie-Doll could be won at county fairs and carnivals. It is this cheap, bogus, derivative Kewpie that sprang to my mind the day after the election. The drawings relate to actions, events, and tweets happening each week, and are intended to be, at the same time, humorous and as deadly serious as our situation. Kewpie was given free-reign in the people’s White House to act out each week’s bizarre and brutal reality show from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2021 and I have documented every week in a drawing.
All drawings are 12”x 9” graphite on vellum surface, bristol-board.
Upon completion of the first 36 PTSD drawings, they were compiled into Volume 1 of the P.T.S.D. series. Subsequently, groups of drawings have been combined into 4 more self-published volumes which include a total of 257 drawings. All five volumes can be purchased on Amazon.com